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250+ Spectacular Boy Names That Start With The Letter R

Baby names can be tricky and finding that perfect name for your little man is a challenge. Maybe you have decided that you want a name that begins with a certain letter but is now stumped for a suitable name.

There is no need to panic as we have put together 250+ spectacular boy names that start with the letter R to help you out.

Check out our list and see if your dream name is there or if not, hopefully, you will find some inspiration for that perfect name.

Quirky Boy Names That Start With The Letter R

Race – A name of English origin and means running competition.

Rachit – Of Indian origin and means composed.

Rad – English in origin and is a diminutive form of Radley.

Radwan – Means keeper of a vineyard and is of Persian origin.

Raed – A name of Arabic origin and means pioneer.

Rafferty – Of Irish origin and means abundance.

Rahm – Hebrew in origin and means high, lofty.

Rahul – A name of Indian origin but with unknown meaning.

Raimi – Of Arabic origin and means fond.

Rainbow – American in origin and means color bars from water and light.

Raine – Means queen and is of French origin.

Rainer – A name of English origin and means army counsel.

Raleigh – Of English origin and means from the red or rye field.

Ram – Indian in origin and means godlike.

Ramesh – Means husband of Lakshmi and is of Indian origin.

Ransom – A name of English origin and means deliverance, rescue.

Ranvir – Of Indian origin and means hero of battle.

Raphael – Hebrew in origin and means God has healed.

Rasmus – Means beloved and is of Scandinavian origin.

Ratin – A name of Indian origin and means love, happiness.

Ratzon – Of Hebrew origin and means wish, desire.

Rauf – Arabic in origin and means compassionate, loving.

Ravenswood –Means forest/trees with ravens and is of English origin.

Ravindra – A name of Indian origin and means lord of the sun.

Reading – Of English origin and means dweller in the clearing.

Reality – English in origin and means the state of things as they exist.

Red – Means red haired and is of English origin.

Redeemer – A name of American origin and is a pseudonym for Jesus Christ.

Reiki – Of Japanese origin and means Japanese spiritual healing practice.

Remedy – American in origin and means cure.

Remez – Means sign, hint, and is of Hebrew origin.

Rene – A name of French origin and means reborn.

Renley – Of American origin and has an unknown meaning.

Rennie – English in origin and means brave ruler.

Reon – Means descendant of the king and is of African – South Africa origin.

Rhory – A name of American origin and means red king.

Rhoslyn – Of Welsh origin and means moor pool.

Rhun – Welsh in origin and is of unknown meaning.

Rice – Means fiery warrior and is of Welsh origin.

Riki – A name of Japanese origin and means power strength.

Riku – Of Japanese origin and means land, continent.

Rimba – Indonesian in origin and means jungle.

Rimbo – Means jungle and is of Indonesian origin.

Ringo – A name of Japanese origin and means apple.

Rio – Of Spanish origin and means river.

Riordan – Irish in origin and means royal poet.

Rios – Means lives near the river and is of Spanish origin.

Riot – A name of English origin and means a violent disturbance by a crowd.

Ritz – Of English origin and means brave ruler/luxury.

Roald – English in origin and means counsel rule.

Rocky – Means rocky and is of English origin.

Rod – A name of English origin and is a short form of Roderick or Rodney.

Rodney – Of English origin and means from the island in the swift river.

Roho – African – Kiswahili origin and means soul.

Roi – Means Shephard and is of Hebrew origin.

Rojas – A name of Spanish origin and means red headed or ruddy.

Roland – Of English origin and means famous land.

Rolf – Scandinavian in origin and means famous wolf.

Rollin – Means wolf counsel and is of English origin.

Rollo – A name of English origin and means wolf counsel.

Rondell – Of American origin and is a combination name of Ron and Dell.

Rong – Chinese in origin and means martial.

Ronit – Means song, chant, and is of Indian origin.

Roosevelt – A name of Dutch origin and means from the rose field.

Roper – Of English origin and means rope maker.

Roscoe – English in origin and means from the deer forest.

Rosh – Means beginning and is of Hebrew origin.

Rowdy – A name of American origin and means loud, spirited.

Rowe – Of English origin and means renowned wolf.

Roy – Scottish in origin and means red.

Royal – Means of the king and is of English origin.

Rudolph – A name of English origin and means famous wolf.

Rudyard – Of English origin and means from the red yard.

Trendy Boy Names That Start With The Letter R

cute little boy

Radley – English in origin and means from the red field.

Rafael – Means God has healed and is of Spanish origin.

Rafe – A name of English origin and means wolf counsel.

Rafaello – Of Italian origin and means God has healed.

Raffi – Arabic in origin and means high, noble.

Rafiki – Means friend and is of African – Kiswahili origin.

Rafiq – A name of Arabic origin and means dear friend.

Raheem – Of Arabic origin and means compassionate.

Rahim – Arabic in origin and means compassionate, kind, loving.

Raiden – Means God spirit and is of Japanese origin.

Rahul – A name of Indian origin with unknown meaning.

Raiden – Of Japanese origin and means God spirit.

Rain – American in origin and means abundant blessings from above.

Ralph – Means wolf counsel and is of English origin.

Ralston – A name of English origin and means from Ralph’s town.

Ramiel – Of Hebrew origin and means thunder of God.

Ramim – Arabic in origin and is of unknown meaning.

Ramirez – Means son of Ramiro and is of Spanish origin.

Ramon – A name of Spanish origin and means counsel protection.

Ramos – Of Spanish origin and means from the wooded area.

Amazing Boys Names That Start With C

Ramsay – English in origin and means raven’s island.

Ramsey – Means island of garlic and is of Scottish origin.

Randall – A name of English origin and means shield wolf.

Randi – Of English origin and is a diminutive form of Miranda or Randall.

Randolph – English in origin and means shield wolf.

Randy – Diminutive form of Randall or Miranda and is of English origin.

Ranger – Means forest protector and is of English origin.

Raul – A name of Spanish origin and means wolf counsel.

Raven – Of English origin and means blackbird.

Ray – English in origin and means counsel protection.

Raymond – Means counsel protection and is of English origin.

Raymundo – A name of Spanish origin and means counsel protection.

Rayner – Of English origin and means army counsel.

Read – English in origin and means red haired.

Reagan – Means little king and is of Irish origin.

Rebel – A name of English origin and means defiant person.

Redford – Of English origin and means from the red ford.

Redmond – English in origin and means advice, protector.

Redwulf – Means counsel, wolf and is of English origin.

Reece – A name of English origin and means passion, enthusiasm.

Reed – Of English origin and means a reed or red haired.

Reegan – American in origin and means little king.

Reese – Means passion, enthusiasm and is of Welsh origin.

Reeves – A name of English origin and means servant or child of the steward.

Regan – Of Irish origin and means royal, regal.

Reggie – English in origin and a diminutive form of Reginald or Regina.

Reginald – Means advice, rule and is of English origin.

Regis – A name of Latin origin and means ruler, kingly.

Reign – Of English origin and means rule, sovereign.

Remi – French in origin and means oarsman or remedy.

Remington – Means from the ridge town and is of English origin.

Remus – A name of Latin origin and of unknown meaning.

Remy – Of French origin and means oarsman or remedy.

Reuben – Hebrew in origin and means behold, a son.

Rex – Means king and is of Latin origin.

Reynold – A name of English origin and means advice, rule.

Rhett – Of English origin and means counsel, advice.

Rhodes – English in origin and means from a clearing in the woods.

Rhodri – Means wheel/orb, ruler/king and is of Welsh origin.

Rhydian – A name of Welsh origin and unknown meaning.

Rhys – Of Welsh origin and means passion, enthusiasm.

Ricardo – Means brave ruler and is of Spanish origin.

Ricci – A name of Italian origin and means curly haired.

Rich – Of English origin and means brave ruler or wealthy.

Richard – English in origin and means brave ruler.

Richie – Means brave ruler and is of English origin.

Richmond – A name of English origin and means the protector king.

Ricky – Of American origin and means brave ruler.

Rico  – Spanish in origin and means brave ruler.

Riley – Means descendant of Roghallach and is of Irish origin.

Ripley – A name of English origin and means from the strip field.

Rishi – Of Indian origin and means sage.

River – English in origin and means stream of water that flows to the sea.

Roan – Means red color and is of English origin.

Rob – A name of English origin and means bright fame.

Robbie – Of English origin and is a diminutive form of Robert.

Robbin – English in origin and means bright fame.

Robert – Means bright fame and is of English origin.

Robin – A name of English origin and means bright fame.

Robinson – Of English origin and means son of Robin.

Rocco – Italian in origin and means rest.

Rocha – Means lives by the rocky crag and is of Portuguese origin.

Rock – A name of English origin and means rock.

Roderick – Of English origin and means famous ruler.

Roger – English in origin and means famous spear.

Rohan – Means ascending and is of Indian origin.

Roman – A name of English origin and means from Rome, Italy.

Rome – Of Italian origin and means from Rome, Italy.

Romeo – Italian in origin and means from Rome, Italy.

Ronald – Means counsel rule and is of English origin.

Ronaldo – A name of Spanish origin and means advice ruler.

Ronan – Of Irish origin and means little seal.

Ronnie – English in origin and means counsel rule, bringing victory.

Rooney – Means descendant of the champion and is of Irish origin.

Rory – A name of Irish origin and means red king.

Ross – Of Scottish origin and means headland.

Rowan – English in origin and means from the rowan tree.

Ruben – Means behold a son and is of Spanish origin.

Rudy – A name of American origin and means famous wolf.

Unique Boy Names That Start With The Letter R

Raam –  Of Hebrew origin and means thunder of god.

Raanan – Hebrew in origin and means fresh, green, flourishing.

Rabi – Means springtime and is of Arabic origin.

Rabia – A name of Arabic origin and means spring, springtime.

Radames – Of Spanish origin and means son of Ra.

Raddix – American in origin but of unknown meaning.

Radko – Means care, joy and is of Bulgarian origin.

Rafee – A name of Arabic origin and means noble, exalted.

Raghu – Of Indian origin and means quick, swift.

Ragle – Welsh in origin and means from Raglan, Wales.

Ragnar – Means army ruler and is of Scandinavian origin.

Ragnvaldr – A name of Scandinavian origin and means counsel ruler.

Rahat – Of Arabic origin and means comfort, rest.

Raith – English in origin and with unknown meaning.

Raivo – Means fury, rage and is of Slavic origin.

Rajan – A name of Indian origin and means king.

Rajesh – Of Indian origin and means ruler of kings.

Rance – Means shield and is of English origin.

Rangsey – A name of Cambodian origin and means seven colors.

Ranjeet – Of Indian origin and means victorious in battle.

Ranjit – Indian in origin and means victorious in battle.

Rapoto – Means counsel bold and is of Romansh origin.

Rashad – A name of Arabic origin and means rightly guided.

Rashawn – Of American origin and is a combination of Ra and Shawn.

Rasheed – Arabic in origin and means wise, prudent.

Rasim – Means planner, architect and is of Arabic origin.

Razo – A name of French origin and means royal.

Razon – Of Hebrew origin and means wish, desire.

Regulus – Latin in origin and means prince.

Rehn – Means ridge and is of German origin.

Reichan – A name of Hebrew origin and means the basil plant.

Renate – Of French origin and means reborn.

Renato – Italian in origin and means reborn.

Renatus – Means born again and is of Latin origin.

Renaud – A name of French origin and means advice, rule.

Rendor – Of Hungarian origin and means police officer.

Reuel – Hebrew in origin and means friend of God.

Revelin – Means pride, rebellion, and is of English origin.

Reverie – A name of French origin and means daydream.

Reyansh – Of Indian origin and means part of a stream.

Reyes – Spanish in origin and means kings.

Reynaldo – Means counsel rule and is of Spanish origin.

Reza – A name of Arabic origin and means contentment, satisfaction.

Rhamin – Of American origin and is of unknown meaning.

Rheneas – English in origin and of unknown or unconfirmed meaning.

Rida – Means consent, agreement, and is of Arabic origin.

Ridder – A name of Dutch origin and means knight.

Riddle – Of English origin and means a verbal puzzle or game.

Ridgely – English in origin and means lives by the field or ridge.

Ridha – Means contentment, satisfaction and is of Arabic origin.

Ridhan – A name of Persian origin and is of unknown meaning.

Ridwan – Of Arabic origin and means satisfaction, contentment.

Riel – Spanish in origin and means God is my strength.

Rigoberto – Means rule bright and is of Spanish origin.

Riichi – A name of Japanese origin and means benefit, truth, first.

Rikeeth – Of American origin and is of unknown meaning.

Rizwaan – Arabic in origin and means satisfaction.

Rizzo – Means curly haired and is of Italian origin.

Roach – A name of English origin and means rocky crag.

Roanix – Of American origin and is of unknown meaning.

Rockefeller – American in origin and means from Rockenfeld, Germany.

Rocket – Means jet propelled tube and is of English origin.

Rockland – A name of English origin and means from a rocky land.

Rockwell – Of English origin and means from the rook well.

Rogelio – Spanish in origin and means fame spear.

Rogene – Means famous spear and is of American origin.

Rogue – A name of English origin and means dishonest, savage, or unpredictable.

Rohak – Of Arabic origin and is of unknown meaning.

Rohit – Indian in origin and is the name of a mythical horse.

Roho – Means soul and is of African – Kiswahili.

Rojelio – A name of Spanish origin and means request.

Rokuro – Of Japanese origin and means sixth son.

Romilly – English in origin and means from a French place name.

Romney – Means from the broad river and is of Welsh origin.

Romulus – A name of Latin origin but of unknown meaning.

Rotem – Of Hebrew origin and means desert plant.

Roth – English in origin and means red-headed.

Rousseau – Means red-haired and is of French origin.

Royalty – A name of English origin and means of royal blood or status.

Royko – Of Slavic origin but is of unknown or unconfirmed meaning.

Rubio – Spanish in origin and means red-headed or ruddy.

Rubo – Means fair-haired and is of Spanish origin.

Rudo – A name of African – Bantu or Zimbabwe origin and means love.

The Final Thought

So that brings us to the end of our list of boy’s names that begin with the letter R. Hopefully you have found the perfect name for your little prince. But if not there is no need to panic as there are still a wealth of other options available to you.

If you are still looking for some inspiration why not check out our list of names that mean trickster or stunning names that mean night.