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Is Plexus Safe While Pregnant or Breastfeeding?

The list of the things you can’t eat or drink during pregnancy and breastfeeding seems to stretch on forever.

When moms-to-be are left standing overwhelmed in the kitchen as they go to cook themselves eggs for breakfast, it is no surprise many women are confused whether they can take weight loss supplements like Plexus or not.

The health and development of their growing baby are of paramount importance to pregnant women and it is wise to know the safety of weight loss shakes and drinks before consuming them during pregnancy and is equally as important when breastfeeding. 

What is Plexus?

Plexus, or ‘the pink drink’, is a powdered weight loss supplement that you mix with water – it has been nicknamed The Pink Drink as the powder turns the water pink.

Plexus claims to help reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels and helps users lose weight by making them feel more full. Plexus contains several ingredients that claim to help with weight loss.

The main ingredients are Chromium (200 mcg) and Plexus Slim Blend (green coffee bean extract, garcinia Cambogia extract, and alpha-lipoic acid 530mcg). Plexus claims to improve gut health with its carefully selected blend of prebiotics, probiotics, and herbs.

Is Plexus Safe While Pregnant?

Weight gain and pregnancy go hand in hand and gaining weight when you are expecting is totally normal and is not something to try and avoid.

However, there are reasons why women may want to drink Plexus Slim during pregnancy; weight gain may be normal during pregnancy but some women may want to avoid gaining what they feel is ‘too much weight’ for either medical or personal reasons. 

The Pink Drink claims to help with sugar cravings and also helps rebalance your gut health, leading to better overall health and happiness.

If a pregnant woman wants to take steps to improve her gut health or to have more control over her cravings when she spies the cookie jar on the kitchen counter, then Plexus can be the answer to her prayers.

But is Plexus safe while pregnant? As is often the case for the safety of drinks and shakes for weight loss, there is no definitive answer when it comes to drinking them during pregnancy. 

Risks of Plexus While Pregnant

There are four main risks to drinking Plexus while pregnant that moms-to-be should consider before using the product:

Plexus contains caffeine

Whilst some women choose to avoid caffeine altogether during pregnancy, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists recommends a caffeine limit of the equivalent of one to two cups of coffee per day during pregnancy.

Plexus Slim contains 2% caffeine from green coffee bean extract. This is an extremely small amount of caffeine but for women wanting to avoid caffeine altogether, it is important to be aware that there is a small amount of it present in Plexus.

To be on the safe side, moms-to-be should count Plexus towards their daily caffeine intake.

Plexus can contribute to weight loss

Unless you are overweight and have been advised to do so by your doctor, you should not be trying to lose weight during your pregnancy. Weight gain is a natural part of growing a baby and extreme weight loss efforts are usually not necessary during this time.

Expectant moms should focus on regular gentle exercise, eating a healthy balanced diet, and taking their prenatal vitamins, more intense ‘diet’ regimes can begin once a baby is born.

Plexus can make you feel full

Avoiding overeating and reaching for sugary food is great for your overall health but pregnancy is not the time to have your appetite suppressed. Pregnant moms don’t really need to eat for two but by their third trimester, women should be consuming around 2.400 calories a day.

Taking a supplement like Plexus can be risky for pregnant women as they may not be eating enough food to fuel their bodies and support the growth of their baby. 

Plexus is not regulated by the FDA

It is important to be aware of the safety of the food and drinks you consume during your pregnancy as some ingredients and foods can be dangerous to the health and development of your baby.

Health and weight loss supplements – like Plexus – are not regulated by the FDA, this means they don’t have to prove they’re safe or that they even do the things they claim to do.

Benefits of Plexus While Pregnant

To offer balance to this article, here are some of the benefits of taking Plexus Slim while pregnant that women have reported:

  • Fewer sugar cravings 
  • Fewer mood swings
  • More energy 
  • Better sleep 
  • Manageable weight gain

Whilst the majority of the benefits of taking Plexus while pregnant are anecdotal and not based on clinical research, there are hundreds of testimonials to be found online of women claiming to have safely used Plexus throughout their pregnancies.

Delve deeper into the online forums and it is clear the jury is still out on whether Plexus is as safe as it may seem.

If you are struggling to weigh up the risks and the benefits of taking Plexus during your pregnancy, speak to your doctor or midwife.

Take a list of ingredients to your next appointment and ask your doctor their thoughts on the safety of Plexus during pregnancy before you make your decision to start taking it. 

Is Plexus Safe While Breastfeeding?

Why Is My 2 Week Old Baby Always Hungry?

Many of the risks and benefits of taking Plexus while breastfeeding are the same as taking Plexus while pregnant. It is safe for nursing moms to lose weight but dieting should not be extreme.

Breastfeeding moms need to eat a healthy and balanced diet to keep their energy up and to ensure their body is producing enough milk for their baby.

Plexus can be a great way to stay away from sugary foods while nursing and can help mom to begin to lose the weight gained during pregnancy, but it is important to remain mindful of eating enough food too.

New moms are often looking to lose their baby weight as they find it difficult to dress their new postpartum body, but here are some key pieces to wear after giving birth to help you.

Nursing mothers should aim to consume 2,300 -2.500 healthy calories a day. Check out our list of foods that are safe to consume while breatfeeding.

The Final Thought

Everything a nursing mom consumes her baby consumes too, it is up to you if you are happy letting your baby eat something that hasn’t been tested or approved by the FDA.

Whilst the ingredients are natural, this does not necessarily mean they are all safe for babies to consume. The main issue is that there is very little data to determine the safety of all of the ingredients used in Plexus Slim, not enough research has been done to form any concrete conclusions.

If you want to take Plexus while nursing, it is advised you seek advice from your doctor first. 

Medical Disclaimer. All content and media on the MomInformed Website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.