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Woombie Swaddle Review for 2025

Swaddling is not a modern invention, mothers have been swaddling babies for centuries in cultures all over the globe. But what has changed is what we use in order to perfectly swaddle a baby.

Gone are the days when you could use a blanket to swaddle a baby, although many parents still do, now we have swaddle-sacks and pouches in funky designs and materials.

One such swaddle sack is called Woombie. Woombie came about as a direct result of creator Karen Barski’s experience and struggles with her own baby and trying to swaddle. This is how Woombie came to be.

So how good is the Woombie swaddle sack? We took a deep dive into the swaddle sack along with its pros and cons. Check out our review below.

What Is Swaddling?

If you are new to the idea of swaddling and what it actually entails, the concept is quite simple. Swaddling is a way of wrapping a blanket around your baby, the blanket is wrapped tight enough so they can’t wriggle out. 

Swaddling has many great benefits:

  • It prevents the newborn startle reflex from waking them by keeping your baby’s arms tight to the sides.
  • Newborn babies feel calm and reassured by the tight womb-like wrap.
  • Your baby is kept warm without the need for any loose blankets, which can potentially be a suffocation hazard.

Should All Babies Be Swaddled?

Generally speaking, all babies can be safely swaddled from newborns. But there are instances where it is not safe to swaddle your baby, such as if they have hip dysplasia or other hip issues, swaddling can aggravate this condition.

If you are unsure, it is best to check with your pediatrician. Remember that all babies are different and some may not like being swaddled. Some may prefer one or both arms out.

Different Types of Swaddles

There is a wide range of swaddles available but they usually fall into two categories:

Traditional swaddling blanket style

These are large, thin blankets that you wrap your baby up in a little like a burrito. These blankets can be used for other things once swaddling is over such as burp cloths or regular blankets. But there is a learning curve to using this type of swaddle.

Swaddling sacks or pouches

These are easier for new parents to get to grips with, they tend to have velcro, snaps or zippers to help you get that perfect snug swaddle.

Woombie Swaddle Review

Woombie Original Baby Swaddling Blanket - Soothing, Cotton Baby Swaddle - Wearable Baby Blanket, My Little Peanut, 14-19 lbs

The Woombie swaddle is available in two tog weights – 0.2 and 1.0 both of these are more suited to warmer climates. If your baby is born in the winter or the temperature drops during the night where you live this may not be the right choice for you.

Or you may have to consider layering up underneath the swaddle itself. You could try an alternative like SwaddleMe that have a range of swaddling options.

Woombie is available in a range of patterns and designs some are crazy while others are more subdued and neutral.

The Woombie is available in four sizes. Preemie which fits premature babies (16-17 inches and 3-6lbs). Newborn fits babies from birth to three months (20-22 inches and 5-13 pounds).

Big baby fits babies from three to six months (24-26 inches and 14-19 pounds). Mega fits for babies six to nine months who are not yet rolling over and still sleep swaddled (27-29 inches and 20-25 pounds).

As long as you have the correct size Woombie for your little one, it should be as easy as one zip and your baby is swaddled and secure.

Once they are in the swaddle your baby will still have some space to move their arms but there will be no escaping from this swaddle.

This is not always as easy as it sounds and will greatly depend on whether your baby is squirmed. If they are you may feel as though you need a third hand just to get them zipped in.

There are no panics about diaper changes with this swaddle as the two-way zipper makes swaddled diaper changes super easy.

There are two different styles of Woombie available – the Woombie Original and the Woombie Convertible.

The Woombie original only allows for arms in swaddling while the Woombie Convertible allows for both arms in, one arm out, or both arms out.


  • Easy to ensure your baby is snug and secure but still has some arm freedom.
  • Available in four sizes.
  • Available options for arms in or arms out.
  • Easy to carry out diaper changes.


  • Their patterns and designs can be a little crazy.
  • Easy to use but is not foolproof by any means.
  • Woombie is only available in medium or summer weight only.
  • Woombie needs to be removed if the baby wants their arms out for feeding.
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How Long Do You Swaddle?

Babies are usually swaddled from newborn to around 3 to 4 months old or as soon as they are showing signs of rolling over. 

Once your baby starts rolling around, swaddling can become a hazard as babies should not lay on their stomachs without being able to use their arms. Many babies then find it difficult to sleep well without the feeling of being cocooned.

If your little one is struggling to sleep after being swaddled you could always try a sleep sack as a great transition between swaddling and sleeping independently. Check out our swaddling alternatives.


Are Woombie swaddles safe?

Woombie swaddles are safe to use as are other swaddles until your baby begins to roll over, then it is no longer safe to swaddle.

The Woombie Air is the first breathable swaddle that helps to regulate your baby’s body temperature by allowing excess heat to escape.

Do pediatricians recommend swaddling?

The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) states that when swaddling is done correctly, it can be an effective technique to help calm infants and to promote better sleep. But there are safety guidelines that need to be followed.

To reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) babies should be placed on their back to sleep. Parents should stop swaddling their babies once they show any signs of trying to roll over.

Can I swaddle baby with arms out?

The swaddle should be snug but not too tight. If your baby seems to prefer their arms out, then it is fine to leave one or both of their arms out of the swaddle.

One thing to note is that the Woombie Original swaddle would not be suitable if you intend to leave your baby’s arms out.

The Final Thought

Swaddling is the perfect way to recreate that snug womb-like feeling that your baby may be missing once they are born. Swaddling has been practiced for thousands of years and has helped many babies and parents get better sleep. 

When done correctly and following safety guidelines and information, it can be the perfect way to help soothe your baby.

The Woombie offers parents an easy and convenient way to use swaddling without having to learn the art of swaddling with a blanket.

But what you may need to remember is that not all babies like being swaddled, meaning there could be a little bit of trial and error.