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Can You Take NyQuil While Pregnant?

Nyquil has become a staple in most medicine cabinets, especially during cold and flu season. It can help you get a great night’s sleep. You’ll wake up feeling less stuffy and refreshed. However, it’s not recommended for pregnant women. 

Why Can’t Pregnant Women Take Nyquil?

Both Nyquil and Dayquil are considered unsafe for pregnant women. These contain alcohol, which can affect your pregnancy.

Some versions, such as Nyquil Severe Cold and Flu, also contain an active ingredient called phenylephrine HCI. This ingredient has been linked to birth defects, and should always be avoided. 

Although there are several versions of this product available on the market that contain non-harmful ingredients, it should also be noted that there are no long-term studies to conclude that they are definitely safe for your developing baby.

Long-term use of products that contain a minimal amount of acetaminophen can cause birth defects as well as harm you. 

Always Ask Your Doctor First

There are certain medications that are deemed appropriate for use only in the first trimester. Others can only be used in the second and third trimesters.

Certain medications are deemed unsafe for pregnant women, and this list continues to evolve. Because of the ever-changing world of medicine, it’s always important to avoid taking anything, including over-the-counter medicine, until you speak with your doctor. 

When you can’t take over-the-counter medicine, it’s tempting to resort to herbal remedies.

However, those can affect your body in the same way that medicine can. Because of that, it’s critical to speak with your health care provider before taking herbal remedies. 

How To Manage A Cold While Pregnant

Even though you can’t take a lot of over-the-counter medications, and some doctors recommend against using any over-the-counter medicines, there are still plenty of ways that you can manage your symptoms.

If you’re pregnant and sick, consider using these methods to help yourself feel better. 

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Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of fluids. Having a cold over can leave you dehydrated. It can also make it harder to clear the mucous out of your body. Drink water and broths to help make mucous thinner so thar ft you can sneeze it out. 

Get Plenty Of Rest

You also need to make sure that you get plenty of rest. It can be hard to relax when you have a baby coming and have a million things to do, but taking care of yourself should be your top priority throughout your pregnancy. 

Understand It Just Has To Run Its Course

There is no cure for a virus. When you have a virus, such as a cold, it can take up to two weeks for you to start to feel better. Mentally prepare yourself for that instead of expecting to feel better as soon as possible, and you won’t be as frustrated with feeling sick. 

Focus On Foods That Boost Your Immune System

When you’re pregnant, your immune system is a bit lower than it normally is. That’s why it might feel like you’re constantly getting sick. Eating foods that can give your immune system a boost can help you feel better faster. 

Get Plenty Of Vitamin C

There are plenty of foods that can help you get all of the vitamin C that you need. Most citrus foods contain vitamin C. There are even some vegetables that can help you get your daily dose! Give your immune system the boost that it needs by eating: 

  • Oranges
  • Mangoes
  • Spinach
  • Grapefruit
  • Tangerines
  • Strawberries
  • Kiwi
  • Papaya
  • Broccoli

You might not have an appetite while you’re sick, but you should try to eat if you can. When you just can’t seem to stomach eating a single piece of fruit or a salad, consider picking up some Vitamin C lozenges.

Not only will this help boost your immune system, but it can also help to soothe a dry, sore throat. (My mom used to give them to me when I had a cold as I was growing up. They really do help you feel better, and they taste great!)

Get Plenty Of Zinc

Zinc is another important part of your diet that can strengthen your immune system. It’s important to keep in mind that the recommended daily amount of zinc for pregnant women is only 11-15 milligrams a day.

Most prenatal vitamins contain zinc as well. Double check to see how much zinc your prenatal have before eating a lot of it. If you’re not getting your daily recommended amount of zinc from your vitamins, eat these foods that are packed with zinc: 

  • Eggs
  • Yogurt
  • Oysters
  • Turkey
  • Beef 
  • Pork

You can also consider speaking with your doctor about taking a vitamin that has zinc in it until you get your appetite back. 

Add Coconut Oil To Your Diet

Adding coconut oil to your diet can help you out in a variety of ways. It is known to have antiviral properties.

It also boosts your immune system and it can help your body get the vitamins and minerals that it needs. Pregnant women can safely consume two tablespoons of coconut oil daily. 

Speak With Your Doctor About Supplements

While supplements can help your body feel better, and give your immune system a boost, it’s best to speak with your doctor before taking them. Taking too much of certain supplements can be dangerous to you and your baby.

Most over-the-counter supplements are also not regulated by the FDA like other medications are. That means they won’t come with a warning label, even if they are dangerous for pregnant women. Always talk to your doctor before taking them. 

Exercise Regularly

If you have the energy, make sure that you get your daily exercise in. It can be hard when you’re sick, but even a daily walk around the block can help. Exercise helps to oxygenate your lungs, boost your immune system and it can make you feel better. 

In Conclusion

It’s not considered safe to take Nyquil when you’re pregnant and sick. However, there are other ways that you can make sure that you feel better sooner instead of later. 

Medical Disclaimer. All content and media on the MomInformed Website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.