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Can Cinnamon Cause Miscarriage During Pregnancy?

When you first find out you are pregnant, there are so many things to worry about. You have so many questions going through your mind. Like “when will I have to give up work?” or “can I continue to go to the gym?”

You might even wonder about the risks of having a miscarriage and a million other things. The questions don’t stop when it comes to the foods that you can and can’t eat either.

In fact, it just leads to more and more questions. One of the foods that are brought into question when you are pregnant is cinnamon, and the possible risks that come with consuming it.

One of these is “can cinnamon cause miscarriage?”

We are going to discuss the benefits of cinnamon and the possible side effects too. But in case you are a skimmer, let’s answer that question for you. There is no scientific proof or studies that show that consuming cinnamon could cause miscarriage.

Some stories mention of women using cinnamon to terminate a pregnancy, but there is no scientific evidence to support this.

To be honest, the amount of cinnamon you need to ingest to cause a termination of pregnancy would likely induce fatal respiratory distress or even destroy your liver.

However, there has been no scientific evidence to support or deny this. The small amount of cinnamon that is found in your favorite pastry should be perfectly fine for you to eat while pregnant without causing any adverse effects.

Health Benefits of Cinnamon While Pregnant

Cinnamon has some brilliant health benefits that are fantastic for pregnant women. Here are a few of them.


A Natural Antioxidant

Cinnamon is one of the most valued herbs, and this is due to its antioxidant content. It is rich in these antioxidants, such as polyphenols 3, 4, and 5. These antioxidants fight off the damage caused by free radicals to the body and promote good health.

Cinnamon also plays a crucial role in fighting sections caused by fungus, bacteria, and parasites. In a study, cinnamon outranked ‘superfoods’ like garlic and oregano with its antioxidant activity.

It’s so powerful that cinnamon can be used as a natural food preservative.

Gestational Diabetes

The bark of cinnamon contains active ingredients that can help to regulate blood sugar.

When consumed in small amounts in food, it can help control blood sugar levels in women with gestational diabetes. Its role in providing the same help for pre-diabetic and diabetic patients still requires further research.

Natural Flavoring Agent

Cinnamon comes in a range of tastes and aromas, making it an excellent substitute for artificial flavoring agents in your food.

Some of this range is Chinese cinnamon. It is also called Indian spice, it has a sharp taste and aroma.

The Ceylon cinnamon originates in Ceylon, Brazil, India, and Indonesia. It has a burning taste and a gentle, fragrant accent. While the Malabar Cinnamon has a sharp but slightly bitter taste.

Anti- Inflammatory Properties

Inflammation is vitally important in the bodies to fight against infections and to help repair tissue damage. But for those that suffer from chronic inflammation problems, cinnamon can be used as it has been shown to have potent anti-inflammatory properties.

Lowers Blood Pressure

The regular consumption of cinnamon has been shown to keep the systolic blood pressure in check in pregnant women. This is good for preventing high blood pressure in pregnant women and lowers the risk of preeclampsia.

How Much Cinnamon Is Safe While Pregnant?

No studies have concluded what the safe amount of cinnamon can be consumed while pregnant. There is no established dosage whether you are pregnant or not, but some recommend 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of powder a day.

pregnant woman eating

Some studies have used between 1 gram and 6 grams. Be aware that high doses of cinnamon may well be toxic and cause some serious issues regardless of whether you are pregnant or not.

Due to the fact that studies have not evaluated the risk of consuming cinnamon during pregnancy, the risks remain only theoretical, and they are based only on what information we have about some of the ingredients.

The main concern rises as unborn babies do not have a well enough developed filtering system to remove the potentially harmful substances. This makes them very sensitive to toxins in both food and medicine that is consumed by mothers.

How Can Cinnamon Be Used

When in small doses, cinnamon can be used in various ways, providing a rich flavor to cooking. It is found in dishes such as biryani, sweet potato soup, and bolognese sauce.

It can also be found in popular pastries, pies, and other bakery products. All of which would contain a small enough dose of cinnamon to be enjoyed safely while pregnant.

Cinnamon tea is also a common favorite of cinnamon lovers. But this should be consumed in moderation as it can contain relatively high doses of cinnamon. While pregnant, you are able to enjoy cinnamon tea, just make sure that it is not an everyday treat.

It is not advisable to use any essential oils of cinnamon while you are pregnant as they can potentially contain oils that could harm the baby and possibly cause miscarriage.

Side Effects of Cinnamon

Cinnamon is added to many foods. Some of which you would not be aware of. In small doses, cinnamon has some amazing health benefits while pregnant, but too much cinnamon can also produce some side effects.

Here are a few to watch out for:

Irritation and Allergies

The vast majority of people will experience no side effects from consuming cinnamon. But if used in large doses, it could irritate your mouth and lips, causing sores.

Some people are allergic to cinnamon. It might also cause redness or irritation if it comes into contact with your skin.


Cinnamon comes in a few different varieties, but consuming a lot of cassia cinnamon can potentially be toxic, especially if you have any liver problems.

This is because of an ingredient used in some cinnamon products called Coumarin. Although the amount that you would normally consume would be so small that it should not cause any problems.

Due to the lack of scientific evidence about its safety, it is advised that certain groups of people avoid cinnamon as a treatment – these are children, pregnant women, and women who are breastfeeding.

Lower Blood Sugar

Cinnamon can affect your blood sugar, so if you are diabetic or develop gestational diabetes while pregnant. You may need to be more cautious about the amount of cinnamon that you are consuming.


If you take any regular medications, it is best to consult your doctor with regard to the effects that cinnamon may have on how those medications work. This could especially affect the way antibiotics, diabetes drugs, blood thinners, and heart medicines.


While pregnant, your body goes through some amazing changes but can also be put under enormous strain. While there are many foods that you need to avoid while you are pregnant, cinnamon is not one of them as long as it is consumed in small doses.

In fact, cinnamon can have some fantastic health benefits both while you are pregnant and not. So go ahead and enjoy that cinnamon bun guilt-free!

Medical Disclaimer. All content and media on the MomInformed Website is created and published online for informational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice and should not be relied on as health or personal advice.