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7 Tips for Changing a Baby Boys Diaper Without Getting Peed on

What do you get when you mix a diaper-changing session with a squirmy baby boy? You get a big mess with pee flying absolutely everywhere!

This is a nightmare of a scenario when you’re in public, but it’s also quite inconvenient when you’re at home. I can’t even begin to describe how tricky this was with my first son.

I had no idea that a simple diaper change could go so wrong.

Luckily, I learned how to prepare myself best, so I could stay dry every time. So, if you want to avoid those messy diaper changes, read on to learn some of my most helpful tips for all the parents out there.

1. The Speedy Method

Whenever I hear a friend of mine is having a boy, I always tell her that she better learn how to change a diaper as fast as she can. Speeding up the process can ensure that you stay dry, as it doesn’t give enough time for your baby to hose you down.

So follow these steps to execute the perfect diaper change in record time.

Set Up Your Station Before The Diaper Comes Off

Come to battle prepared. Make sure everything you need is within arm’s length — such as the clean diaper, baby powder, and baby wipes. Also, set up near a changing table, but if you’re at home, a changing pad is fine.

Distract Your Baby

If your child starts fussing in the middle of a diaper change, it can take twice as long! This is not something you want to hear when trying to speed up your time. Therefore, try to distract him with these methods.

  • Try singing to him
  • Wave a toy in front of his face
  • Play some music
  • Lightly tickle his foot
  • Make sure he has been fed before changing him to ensure he’s not hungry

Mask the Scent So You Can Work Faster

If the stinky odor of a dirty diaper is slowing your down, try a handful of these tips. First, try wiping a small dab of vapor rub on the upper lip. This will help mask the pungent smell.

mother changing smelly diaper

You can also add a drop of a neutral smelling essential oil for the same effect. I wouldn’t advise holding your breath because it can make you lightheaded and cause you to lose focus.

Not to mention, once you do come up for air, the scent could trigger your gag reflex.

Don’t Go Too Fast

While you may be trying to speed up your time, you’re not trying to break world records. Don’t change your baby so fast that you’re not cleaning him properly. This can lead to painful infections and diaper rash!

Use a gentle wipe and clean up the area around the scrotum.

Practice Before You Have a Baby

If a relative has a baby they can lend you for a day, ask to babysit! Changing a diaper might feel clumsy at first, but once that muscle memory kicks in, you’ll become a pro.

You can also practice on a stuffed animal before the baby comes to make sure your changing skills are sharpened and ready to go.

Be Patient

If changing a diaper still feels awkward, never fear. The few months with your new baby will be the most challenging for sure. However, with time, you’ll undoubtedly improve these parenting skills.

I remember constantly getting peed on when my son was just an infant. Yes, it is frustrating! But it also served as motivation for me to learn his potty cues and become a lightning-fast, diaper-changing master.

Remember to be patient throughout all of these struggles. Your baby boy is worth it!

Make Sure You Have Enough Diapers for a Quick Change

I can’t tell you how many times this happened with the first baby. I set him down for a change, only to realize that I had forgotten an extra diaper or had completely run out!

Make sure you’re always stocked up on this baby essential. Not having your tools ready can turn a 5-minute diaper change into a 50 minute one if you add that unnecessary trip to the store.

2. Have A Dedicated Cover

You can also do the obvious thing and use a diaper or a cloth to cover your son in case he sprays you down in the middle of a diaper change.

Hover the item gently over your boy’s privates while you’re changing him. It’s more trouble to use a cover, and the diaper change can take twice as long, but it’s worth it if you get to walk out of the changing room dry as a bone!

mother changing baby's diaper

3. Anticipate The Pee

Look for your son’s potty cues. You might have to get peed on a couple of times before learning what they are. It’s all trial and error. But it should be a similar set of signs every time.

For example, they may give you a little smile or start wiggling around before they have to go. Anticipating when they have to go will keep you ready for any accidents heading your way.

4. Avoid Changing Him Around Certain Times

Babies typically have to pee when waking up from naps or first thing in the morning. Therefore, avoid changing him around these times. Look at the blue indicator in his diaper to see if he has gone to the bathroom or not.

While the blue strip method isn’t fail-proof, it can give you a good idea of when it’s best to change baby boy. You should still have your cover ready and work fast.

5. The Cold Activator Method

You can also try the cold activator method to get him to pee in his diaper prior to the changing session. This process involves changing your baby in a cold environment so that they’ll empty their little tanks before you begin the diaper changing process.

To trick them, try changing them by a fan. You can also create artificial wind with a paper fan. Additionally, attempt to rub a cold towel on the baby’s lower belly for better results.

This temperature change will cause him to go potty in his diaper instead of all over your nice walls and carpet. However, you should still have your protective cover, just in case.

6. The Warmth Method

Inversely, you can also try the warmth method. This involves warming your baby up to achieve the same effect. Use a wipe warmer or change them in a warm room, next to the heater.

This may seem like the cozier option, and you won’t have to stick a cloth in the fridge beforehand.

Experiment with these two and see which one your baby responds to best. They may hate the cold and throw a fit and prefer the warmth method.

7. Steer Clear of the Gimmicks

When browsing baby sites, you might come across a miracle product that states that it’s meant to tame your boy’s stream. However, steer clear of these if you can.

diaper change

There are mixed reviews on several of these products, but they were a huge waste of money in my experience. You’re better off using some of the other methods previously outlined instead!

You can also make your own pee-guard at home with some simple objects around the house. For instance, try cutting up a towel into small squares.

Set these next to your changing table and place them over your son’s privates every time he is due for a change. These are also washable, reusable, effective, and environmentally friendly.

Not to mention, making your own pee-free solution will cost you little to no money.

Cleaning Up The Mess

If pee happens to get onto any surfaces of your home, clean the area using this method. When cleaning towels, clothes, or bedding, run these articles through the washing machine using cold water.

Also, use one cup of white distilled vinegar. You can also use a microfiber cloth to soak up the excess liquid before dumping anything into the wash.

The stains should come out easily. If they don’t, try soaking the article in a white vinegar and water solution beforehand. As for cleaning yourself up, baby pee isn’t toxic, so don’t freak out if it lands on you! Clean up with mild soap and warm water.

Final Word

And that’s a wrap on changing your baby boy without getting soaked to the bone! Baby boys are sweet, caring, and full of personality.

But changing their diapers comes with certain challenges you won’t experience with baby girls. Be prepared and implement these tips for a clean and seamless diaper change, every time.